“God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises.” USCCB – Sing to the Lord
Indeed we are truly blessed at St. Ann to have a vibrant and joyful music ministry which enriches the liturgies at weekend Masses and holy days throughout the year. We have been blessed with gifted musicians who willingly share their time and talents with the faith community. Thank you for your support of our music ministry.
The Director of Music Ministry administers and serves as contact person for all music ministries of the parish including, but not limited to: Music for Weddings, Funerals, Celebration of Sacraments and other liturgical services, Choirs- cantors- instrumentalists- handbells
Cantors lead the congregation in the sung prayer of the liturgy. Cantors should have both an essential ability to learn the music of the liturgy as well as the confidence to stand before the congregation and animate the assembly’s participation.
Submit Cantor ApplicationMinisters weekly from Labor Day through the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ at the 9:00 AM Sunday Liturgy – (this is sometimes or rarely subject to change) This group rehearses on Wednesday evenings in the church from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. We are always looking for all voices, Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. No experience needed, just a love for singing with a joyous group!
This choir is TBD – Please watch the bulletin and website for details.
A Handbell Choir TBD – Please watch the bulletin and website for details.
There is a need for singers, cantors, instrumentalists for this mass. If you are in 7th, 8th grade or High-school, Please come and join us!
Open to anyone in the parish who wishes to be a part of this valuable ministry at St. Ann during the time of loss and prayer for our parish family. No music training is necessary, simply a desire to be present and assist in sung ministry.
*This choir meets 30 minutes before a scheduled funeral to review music selected by the family. Participation in this ministry is based solely on your schedule and when you are able to minister. Email announcements of the date and time of a funeral are sent immediately to each music minister when received.
All instruments have a place in worship accompanying the sung liturgy or providing ensemble pieces. The following instruments are particularly suited to liturgical music: woodwinds (flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon) strings (violin, viola, cello, bass viol, guitar, dulcimer), brass (trumpet, French Horn, baritone, trombone), guitar, percussion (chimes, timpani).