Today, we hear how Jesus brought comfort to those struggling in life and challenged those who lived a life of ease. Is there someone you know who could benefit from your words of comfort this week?
Today, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. Mary and Jospeh received incredible news from Simeon and Anna about the infant Jesus at his presentation in the Temple.
Today, we joyfully begin the celebration of Catholic Schools Week! Join us in recognizing the value of Catholic education and the lasting impact it has on our students, families, and community.
Today we celebrate the Epiphany! The visit of the magi teaches us about God’s desire for the whole world know about his Son, Jesus. When do you first recall hearing about Jesus?
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. In the Gospel reading, we hear about an anxious experience that Mary and Jospeh had as parents raising the young boy, Jesus.
Today we hear in the first reading about how the prophet Daniel foresaw a time of great distress and ultimate judgment for the living and the dead. Who supports you when you are feeling anxious or are deeply worried?
Today we hear about how Jesus praises the widow who gives to the poor despite her own poverty. Do you have family or friends who likewise selflessly give to others?